Citizens Success Academy

Success is at your fingertips

Welcome to Citizens Success Academy

 Citizens Success Academy provides an opportunity for change through leadership training, educational resources, employer referrals, family advocacy, and prison reform. By partnering with community leaders, faith-based organizations, and intensive group coaching, returning citizens achieve success with these four factors: GOALS, OPTIMISM, FOCUS, and PERSEVERANCE to be your own success champion!

Be Your Own Success Champion!

Be Part of the Movement and free your self 

Rev Dr. Roger Dixon Sr

Hi everyone, my name is Rev Dr. Roger Dixon Sr, Success Coach and Mentor to men ages 20-40 returning from the criminal Justice System. I have thirty years’ experience helping men who are returning from the criminal justice system find success in their lives and community. I wanted to open a school for men to change their lives and give back to their community. I had many coaches to help me develop the mindset to make it happen on the journey to form a school. Then one day I received an email from a lady, she asked me what my platform was and what I did. I explained to her about my platform prison ministry and in the future starting a school. In the discussion she said I can help you; this great lady is Coach Dr. Doreen Lettsome Reid, she helps me start the process of creating Citizen Success Academy. My purpose in starting the academy is to provide an opportunity for change.


My mission is helping men find their leadership roles in their family, job, and community. Let them know GOD is the center of their life. The Passion I have made a difference in the lives of men, helps me to continue to advocate for them every day. My brand is known in the community, the brand received two community awards in 2023 from community leaders.

I can’t achieve this alone; I partner with community leaders, faith-based organizations, and local government officials. I need your help, returning citizens need your help. Let’s partner together to make a difference in their lives. We can win together! Let’s do it! Blessings to all.